I am lucky to be a stay at home mom. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be at home, raising my children. I realize that the opportunity to stay at home with our children is a dream that is becoming increasingly more difficult in our society. I'm also truly grateful that we have the opportunity to choose.
Before my husband and I married, we decided together, that once children came into our lives, I would quit my job and stay home to raise them. They grow so fast and we didn't want someone else raising them during that short time they are at home. Not to mention the extra wardrobe and day-care costs that make it nearly impossible to get ahead, anyway.
But the bills pile up and my husband works so hard to keep food on the table. So I had the bright idea, some years ago, to look into working at home. I tried different "opportunities" that I soon realized were either scams or money-pits. But eventually, I found a good opportunity that would allow me to earn an income at home.
I own and maintain a successful Work at Home directory that I am passionate about because it gives others the opportunity to choose from quality, legitimate, tested, highly recommended opportunities to allow them to stay at home and earn an income, if that's what they choose to do.
As far as I know, "get rich" schemes don't exist. There have been a lucky few that make a bundle very quickly, but they are few and far between. And it's the rare home worker that didn't get to that happy rich place without a key element. That key element is WORK. "Work" at Home, "work" at the office, "work" to develop a talent, "work" at being a good parent, work to get into a good college...... These things don't just happen.
I am learning, from experience, that without this key essential element of work, work at home "opportunities" remain just that - "opportunities". Without work, everything looks and feels like a scam. People sometimes "try out" an opportunity to work at home, without ever actually "working" the opportunity. In other words, they treat it like a "get rich quick" scheme and expect the work to get done for them without any effort. These people often wind up bitter and head to the internet forums to tell the world that such and such a company and their products are scams because, "It didn't do anything for me and I paid them good money!"
That just bugs me. I stay home with my kids, and I end up working hard to make my business a success. I wouldn't expect to succeed otherwise.
Of course, there are those that would definitely take advantage of naivety and abuse the trust of serious and desperate searchers of true and honest opportunities on the net. Searchers need a trusted source. That's where I feel I can help and that's what drives me to succeed. But now I realize that I can only help so far as the searcher is willing to act and "work" the opportunity.
Thomas Edison obviously understood the power of work when he said,
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work. "
If anyone knows how to work, it's a stay at home Mom! Believe me! Everyone should try it for a year to find out. And I don't mean the bon-bon, tv watching, mall shopping stay at home mom, either. I mean the June Cleaver type moms that I believe, still exist out there. As stay at home moms, we wear many hats and work very hard to raise our children, keep our home clean, get the meals on the table, play nurse when our children are ill, read to them and tuck them into bed at night, run them here and there to lessons, school, etc.
If you are looking at opportunities to work at home, plan to "work" at it. Organize your life so that you can still tend to the children, because they come first and will grow so quickly! Then find your own personal honest Work at Home opportunity, and put in the time and effort it will take to succeed.
I wish you the best in your work at home opportunity and hope you will "work" to make it a success!